Culinary Medicine

Doctors want food to be healthy.
Chefs want food to be delicious.
Home cooks want food to be easy and affordable.
The media wants food to be fun.

Can food really be all of these things?

But many of my patients, like so many Americans, have a hard time making it happen. (And sometimes I do, too!) Why? In addition to a myriad of systemic issues — food insecurity, exhausting work hours, the ubiquity of ultra-processed foods, lack of access to health care, etc. — I find there are two common knowledge barriers:
#1: People don’t know what “healthy” means. (It’s so confusing!)
#2: People don’t know how to cook. (It seems so hard! Who has the time!?)

My work focuses on addressing these barriers. I’m an academic physician and chef, and in addition to practicing internal medicine, I teach and study culinary medicine.

Culinary medicine is a 21st century discipline that aims to teach nutrition and culinary skills through hands-on cooking, helping folks to improve their diet and health from their own kitchen. In other words, it’s teaching people how to cook food that is both healthy and delicious. My aim is to go one step further, showing you that cooking healthy, delicious food can also be easy, affordable, and — just watch and see — fun!
